Prophet Brian Carn My Papa

Prophet Brian Carn was born on September 11th in Jacksonville, Florida. Raised in the admonition of the Lord, he received salvation at eight years old, and soon after, the gift of the Holy Spirit. In response to these life-altering events, Brian Carn experienced proliferated spiritual growth that catapulted him into ministering the Word of God at a very young age.
At the age of twelve, Brian Carn conducted his first three-day revival. Carn’s insatiable desire to resuscitate the church with the presence and power of God invoked him to dedicate eighty-eight days to prayer and fasting. During this time of consecration, Prophet Carn was publicly acknowledged by Benny Hinn at a crusade in Florida. Pastor Hinn prophesied that Brian Carn would walk in the same anointing and mantle that the Lord had placed on his own life, emphasizing that Carn would receive a “double” portion. This encounter further confirmed and catalyzed his fire for the Kingdom of God; he began to walk in his prophetic call.


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